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Diversity Vanguard Award Application

Nominees for the Diversity Vanguard Award may be an Individual or Community Partner whose core responsibilities are not focused on diversity and inclusion, but who routinely and voluntarily makes diversity and inclusion a priority in much of what they do; or the Nominee may be one whose major responsibilities are implementing diversity and inclusion initiatives, but who also consistently explore unique ways to go above and beyond expectations. Nominees may be responsible for programs, policies, procedures, curriculum, instruction etc.

  • Please submit this form no later than Dec. 6 at 5 p.m.

  • Nominee

  • Overall Criteria:

    • The Nominee acts as a role model, ally or advocate in championing and building inclusion at Indiana Tech
    • The Nominee works to create an inclusive culture by challenging inequalities/barriers/bias within the Indiana Tech community
    • The nominee has a record of progressive change and proven sustainability in the areas of sense of belonging and diversity within the Indiana Tech community
    • The nominee engaged in partnerships with multiple individuals, departments, or organizations to develop positive relationships and improve the reach of their impact
    • The Nominee’s developments and initiatives will leave a lasting legacy

  • In a narrative not to exceed 1000 words, please describe specific ways in which the nominee has demonstrated the above criteria and/or implemented an initiative which positively impacts a marginalized group at Indiana Tech. Please also explain the benefits and positive changes brought about by the nominee’s work.
  • Applicant’s Information

    Fill out the following if different from nominee.

  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY